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Meeting 1 - 15/09/2023

Healthy Schools Council 

First meeting 15/09/2023


Attending; Mrs Thomas, Pari, Junior, Isaac, Lily, David & Amanda.

Objective; Discuss last years achievements

      Discuss ideas for the year ahead

      Decide on three projects

      Take photos for the website



We started the meeting with introducing ourselves  

Then we discussed what we think a healthy schools council is all about and what we want to achieve.  All children participated and answered well.  We briefly discussed last year's achievements by St Patricks.  They all wanted to carry forward to this year ‘Bling your bike’.  

They would like wellbeing workouts to continue but possibly separate from the main playground so other children dont interfere.

They would like their wellbeing days to involve a fortnight of fitness, like we do cookery and cycling etc.


We then went on to discuss and put forward ideas for new projects.  

They decided on three ideas to put forward.  One of these will involve a walk out to visit businesses in the local community and one will involve some of the school budget so would both need to be discussed with Mrs Jones/Mrs Perrett.

This will be done at the next meeting or before.


1. A whole PS vote (eg PS2, PS3) to decide what will be cooked in     wellbeing cookery sessions. 

2. A basket placed in the hall to provide fruit for children who are not able to afford or have forgotten their snack.  This basket will be filled with donations from parents (via seesaw).  Healthy schools council would also like to visit local green grocers to ask if they could possibly donate to the school once a week.

3. They would like a water fountain to be installed outside which they can access during breaks.  They will be responsible for monitoring on a daily basis on a rota the cleanliness of the fountain.  And also holding an assembly to inform children of the importance of sensible use of this facility and not wasting water etc.


Photos were then taken ready to upload on the website. 

