Today, the new term's Digital Leaders had their induction lesson. We spoke about the rules of Digital Leaders and how to use our technology appropriately and respectively. The children came up with lots of ideas on which platforms we could use during our lessons and what topics we can look at. E-Safety is something our Digital Leaders feel children need to be educated better on. We created a collaborated power-point on google slides and each of our Digital Leaders made a fact file on E-Safety. Da iawn pawb!
We ended our session by discussing an exciting opportunity coming up. As its our Year 6's last year in St. Patrick's we felt it would be nice to do a leavers movie with each of our Year 6 pupil's talking about their favourite/funniest memory during their time in St. Patrick's. We are also going to collaborate the best photos of all of the children in Year 6 since they first started in this school.