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Spring Term council meeting minutes

08th March 2024

The Eco Council met today to design their own posters to help Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and make our school community a very sustainable environment. Please find our pictures on the Spring Term Activity folder. 

23rd February 2024

In the spirit of being charitable and helping out the Eco Council are recruiting litter pickers to patrol the school yard/prayer garden/PS1outdoor area at break and lunch times. Hence, the councillors made an appeal for volunteers. They went around all the classrooms and explained how the litter picking would make a positive impact on the environment and if any child had made a Lenten promise of helping others during lent, well this would be a great way to keep that promise. Please see our picture on the springtime activity folder. 

31st January 2024

Eco Council helped Evlin &David from Keep Wales Tidy to create a beautiful natural space in our school grounds. Keep Wales Tidy have very kindly donated a wildlife starter pack to the school. The councillors helped in planting plug plants, lavender bushes and Clematis in the new planters. Please find the pictures in the Springtime activity section of the website.

31st January 2024


Eco Councillors attended the ‘Cardiff Schools Nature workshop’ today at the Channel View Leisure Centre. They learnt about making greener spaces, designing their own park and discussing ideas about how to help the local council with making a eco friendly Cardiff. They also made badges and were given seeds and a bug hotel for their school. Please find our pictures in the springtime activity folder. 

19th January 2024


Happy New Year…Eco Council met for the first time this year and discussed the agenda for this term. They were very proactive and thought about positive changes that need to be made that can have a major impact on our climate. So, the councillors went to every classroom all around the school to teach students the right things that go in the red and blue recycle bins that have been given from the local council. Please find the pictures of today’s meeting in the Spring Activity Folder. Diolch!

