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Minutes of the Meeting

16th January 2025

Happy New Year! Councillors met for the first time this term after their Christmas holidays. They have started to run a campaign for reusable containers during lunch times. The council members will be making posters and explaining why and how to protect the environment by using plastic containers multiple times to help us.

12 December 2024

Eco Council members decided to make a united positive change to the school environment by conducting a litter pick. They were confounded by the amount of rubbish in the PS1 forest school area. Well done councillors for making an example for the whole school family. Please find their pictures in the Autumn Term Activity folder. 

5th December 2024

The councillors met today and discussed how they can achieve the targets given to us by 'Live Simply, CAFOD'. They plan on taking action to Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Re-gift and Recycle. To live sustainably and get involved to take action the Eco Councillors planted flowering bulbs in the PS1 flower planters. The got their hands dirty in the pouring rain. They showed enthusiasm and team work to plant the lovely bulbs of daffodils and tulips. Please find their pictures in the Autumn Term Activity folder. 

21st November 2024

Councillors are working in collaboration with 'Live Simply-CAFOD'. Ms Townsend has asked for our help to implement ways in which St. Pats can help the local community. Inspired by Laudato Si; Eco Council members will organise a litter pick in the community to protect wildlife and keep the local area tidy which is living sustainably. The councillors also went around the classroom to post the 'Energy Sticker/faces' in all the classrooms. Please find our pictures in the 'Autumn Term Activity Folder'. 


07th November 2024

Eco Councillors met today to discuss strategies for their upcoming whole school 'Energy Survey'. They were busy cutting pictograms of faces which will be awarded to classes on the basis of merit. The year group which will be found conserving the most energy throughout the term will have the most green smiley faces. Don't tell anyone we are coming, said the councillors, it's a surprise...Shh.. Please find our pictures in the 'Autumn Term Activity Folder'. 

24th October 2024

The Councillors met to discuss their Energy review results. They found that the school most of the questions had negative answers. For example, there are no reflector panels behind the radiators, computers and other devices are not switched off when not in use. Also, we as a school haven't thought about renewable energy sources etc. The council have vowed to help and to make a positive impact on their school and community. They are going to find ways to make people globally aware of how to save energy and investigate the impact of climate change on everyone. 

17th October 2024

We are very happy to welcome Ms. Nicholson who has recently joined the Eco Council. The councillors have started their environmental review on Energy efficiency in our school and community. Well done councillors for all your hard work. We can see their pictures in the Autumn Term Activity folder. 

10th October 2024

The Eco Councillors were busy cleaning their school grounds. They collected 3 large bins of rubbish. Well done Councillors for the litter picking. You are all so amazing! Please find our pictures in the Autumn Term Activity folder. #faithhopelove

3rd October 2024

The council members sat together and brainstormed for ideas to formulate Our Eco Code. Please find our pictures in the Autumn Term Activity folder. 

19th September 2024

The Eco Council met for the first time today for this new academic year. The councillors discussed what it entails to be in the Eco Council, the roles and responsibilities. The councillors voted for Jason to be their Chairperson. Pictures were taken of the Councillors to go on the website and also in our Eco Council Display board in school. Next week the council is going to conduct an 'Environmental Review' so that they can make their own Eco Code. 

