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Autumn Term minutes


In today`s session Vicky led a beautiful prayer. We have started making the cards. The group was reminded that our session starts at 2:15 pm and it is important that we are all on time. We are really excited to start this project.

28th October 2022

We welcomed back the returning members of the Mini Vinnies and our new members. The group discussed updating the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary. Those members wishing to apply for these roles were asked to prepare speeches which would be delivered to the rest of the group for their consideration. We also chatted about possible ideas for our next project and if any members had any further ideas we would discuss these at our next meeting.


11th November 2022

The children who wanted to run for the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary delivered their speeches to the group. Votes were held and the positions were filled. All the members who took part were thanked and new position holders congratulated.

After discussion, the Mini Vinnies group decided they would like to make cards for sick children at the Noah's Ark Hospital. Mrs Harmsworth rang the hospital to check this would be acceptable to them and they confirmed this would be greatly appreciated and welcomed. The hospital confirmed the ages range from 0 to 18 and have said they would like us to make 131 Get Well type cards and also some birthday cards. The group have gladly accepted this challenge and look forward to starting this project.


