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Council Meeting Minutes Autumn Term 2021

Friday 24th September 2021


Today was the first time that we met as a group so the first thing we did was introduce ourselves. We are looking forward to working together and learning about keeping ourselves healthy. We hope that we can help to keep our school a healthy one!

We talked about the different ways in which we can be healthy.

We decided to look at healthy lunches and what would be best to have in our school lunch boxes.

We did a cutting and sticking activity to help us decide. We think we made the right choices, have a look at the photos in the ‘Our Activities Autumn Term’ section to see what you think!

Friday 1st October 2021

 Today we distributed Healthy Lunch Box stickers to Reception, Yr1, Yr1/2 and Yr2. These will be awarded to the pupil who has the healthiest lunch box on a Friday each week. Yrs 3,4,5,6 will use dojos as rewards.

We then used our chrome books to research about food nutrition. 
We learned about carbohydrates, protein, dairy, oils, sugar, fruit and vegetables and that a balanced diet is best for us.

We played a game to help us decide the content of certain foods. 
Please see the photos of us having fun playing the game in the ‘Our Activities Autumn Term’ section of the website.


Friday 8th October 2021

Today we were very happy to welcome a new member to our group. We will add his photo to ‘Meet the Healthy Schools Council’ section very soon.

We made our own healthy lunches.

We started by washing our hands and cleaning the table ready to prepare the food.

We buttered whole meal bread and chopped salad and fruit to add to our lunch boxes.

Mrs Jabin brought in some lentil dahl and rice as an example of something different that we could have as a healthy lunch.

We finished by eating our lunch which we really enjoyed!

Please see the photos of us preparing and eating our healthy food in the ‘Our Activities Autumn Term’ section of the website.


Friday 15th October 2021

We discussed the sugar content of drinks.
We used our chrome books to research how much sugar is in certain drinks.

We made a chart with drawings of the drinks.

We worked out how many grammes of sugar are in the drinks and added this to the chart. We also worked out how many tablespoons of sugar are in each drink and added this to the chart.

We found out that water has no sugar in it.

We decided that next week we will weigh out the amounts of sugar in each drink and add this to the chart.


Friday 22nd October 2021

Today we welcomed some new members to our club, we will post some photos soon.

We received our Healthy School Council badges.

We measured the sugar for the activity we started last week, we were amazed at how much sugar is in the drinks!

Please see photos in the Our Activities Autumn Term section of the website.

Friday 5th November 2021

Photos were taken of our new members and will be uploaded to the website today.

We used our chrome books to research the salt and fat content in different foods.

We wrote down the facts that we found out and discussed them.

We took our fact sheets back to our classrooms so that we could tell our friends about our findings.

Please see photos in ‘Our Activities Autumn Term 2021’.


Friday 12th November 2021

Today we decided that we need to make a video to share with parents about healthy choices for lunch boxes.

We used our chrome books to do some research.

We wrote down some ideas about what we can say in our video.

We found some pictures to include in it.

When it’s finished, We will share our video on Seesaw for all parents to see.

Friday 11th February 2022

Today we reminded reminded ourselves about the benefits of exercise and made a start on our poster promoting these facts.

Friday 25th March 2022

Today we finished our poster about the benefits of exercise. It will be displayed on our ‘Healthy Schools Council’ board in the hall.
Please see photographs in the ‘Our Activities’ section of our website.
