Council Meeting Minutes_1
Friday 23rd April 2021
We met and introduced ourselves.
We talked about what being a healthy school means and shared our ideas.
We decided that we need to start by encouraging school pupils to eat a healthy snack at break times and discussed ways to do this.
We decided to create posters to display around the school.
Friday 30th April 2021
We had our photos taken to upload to the ‘Meet The Healthy Schools Council’ section of the website.
We made a start on our posters to encourage pupils to bring a healthy snack to school for break time. We are excited to share them soon!

Friday 7th May 2021
We had our photos taken with our finished Healthy Snack posters. Please have a look at them in ‘Our Activities 1’ in the Healthy schools section of the website.
We sorted them and distributed them to all of the classes in the school.
We made a start on our video about healthy snacks that will be posted onto the website and onto Seesaw when it is finished.
Friday 14th May 2021
Today we made fruit kebabs.
We talked about what we needed to do before we started.
We washed our hands and cleaned the table whilst Mrs B. washed the fruit for us.
We chose the fruit we wanted and then cut it.
We stuck the fruit on the kebab sticks.
We took photos.
Then, the best bit, we ate them!
We had some spare fruit so we offered it to Minnie Vinnies who were delighted.
After clearing away our mess, we cleaned the table and washed our hands again.
Please have a look at the ‘Our Activities 1’ section of our website for some more ‘photos of us making our kebabs.
Friday 21st May 2021
Joe suggested that we should make a logo for our Healthy Schools Council.
We all thought this was a great idea so we used our chrome books to look for ideas.
We decided to draw them ourselves and made a start on our designs.
We will ask all of the pupils in the school to vote for the design they like the best.