Our Activities Autumn Term 2021
Here we are doing a cutting and sticking activity to help us decide what we should put in a lunch box to make it healthy. We think we made the right choices!

Here we are playing a game to help us learn about food nutrition. We learned that different foods contain different types of nutrition.

We had great fun preparing and eating our healthy lunches!

Mrs Jabin’s very healthy lentil Dahl!

Here we are working on our sugar content chart. We were amazed at how much sugar is in each drink! Did you know that water has no sugar at all and is an excellent drink for our bodies and teeth?

Here we are finishing off our poster about the sugar content of drinks. Can you see how much sugar is in so the drinks? We decided that water is definitely the best drink for us!

Here we are researching the salt and fat content of different foods.
We were amazed at how much salt and fat is in some of our favourite foods and snacks! We found out that fruit and vegetables have very little, if any, salt and fat in them, and are a much healthier option than some other smacks. We are going to tell our friends about our findings so that we can all make healthier choices in future.