Spring Term
13th March 2024
The Mini Vinnies organised a great Grandparent’s Afternoon for the Year1/2 and Year 2 classes. We had lots of grandparents and family members attend this event. The President and Vice President welcomed all who came whilst other members read a Bible reading and led us in prayer. The Mini Vinnies then helped organise the craft area, the colouring in table and the reading corner as well as helping to serve refreshments. The Year 1 and 2 children were delighted to take part and enjoyed a drink and a biscuit.
9th March 2024
The group met today for a very brief meeting as several members were to attend another school meeting.
Mrs Harmsworth informed the group that a representative from the homeless charity LLamau will be coming to our meeting after the Easter break to talk to us about their work.
The group then decided amongst themselves the roles that each member would undertake at the Grandparent's Afternoon next week which the Mini Vinnies have arranged and will host. The roles included a welcome, prayers, Bible reading, serving refreshments, and manning arts and crafts areas. The group decided upon their roles based upon their own personal strengths and everyone agreed they were looking to this event.
2nd February 2024
Today we had two special visitors from St Patrick’s Parish SVP. Chris gave us the history of the SVP worldwide. Chris then went on to explain how the SVP began in St Patrick’s church way back in the 1800’s. The group had to write to the main organisation in France to ask permission to join. Mrs German explained the group only allowed men but she and another lady became the First Ladies to join in the 1980’s.
Lots of great questions were asked by the Mini Vinnies and Chris and Chris explained they follow the rules of helping people. For example, the SVP visit lonely people, help with the shopping, drive people to church.
The other Chris told the group that the cards the Mini Vinnies made were “massively important.”
The ladies told us one of their favourite projects was delivering food parcels as they get to see “ the delight and smiles on people’s faces.”
19th January 2024
Today Mini Vinnies met for the first time in the new 2024 year. We discussed our future projects: meeting with SVP, Grandparents Day and potentially donating different items to homeless people.
In the next two weeks, before the next session ,Mini Vinnies will think of the questions they would like to ask representatives from St. Patrick`s Parish SVP. Mrs Hamsworth has agreed to ring the Ty Gobiath homeless shelter and ask how we can help in the form of donations. The outcome will be fed to the group.