Class Assemblies
On Friday 19th May, Y1/2 celebrated a beautiful class assembly, teaching us about the seven special gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to use them to be good disciples!
Y4-5E celebrated a fantastic assembly based on the Beatitudes and how we should live them out today. Well done to every member of the class!
Y3/4OH lit up our hearts as they shared in a wonderful worship about Candlemas. We should shine a light on all that we do.
Y5CM lead us in a very special worship as they informed us about Jesus' mission. They gave great ideas about how we could continue spreading his good news.
Y5/6S shared a special assembly for our school and their families. It was all about our Jesuit Pupil Profile (JPP) virtues, 'Faith-filled and Hopeful'. They showed us how to be hopeful in our everyday lives and how we can be faithful to Jesus.
6P's 'Ourselves' worship showcased their learning over the first half term of the year. They showed many of their amazing qualities and talents.