Autumn term council meeting minutes
Friday 14th October 2022
Today was our first meeting as Eco Club. We talked about Eco Club and what it means. We walked around the school playground and found lots of litter. We decided to do a litter pick in our next session. We looked at the Eco Board and decided that we need a new Eco Code so we will discuss this in our next session.
Friday 18th November 2022
Today we did a litter pick around our school playground. We were shocked at how much litter we found!
We discussed our Eco Code and will think about what we can put on it by next time we meet.
Friday 2nd December 2022
Eco Council members were given their badges today. They accepted them eagerly and proudly put them on, promising to wear them every day!
We decided on our Eco code and made a start on a poster to display on our Eco board in the school hall.