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Homework Information

Language, Literacy and Communication     

Spellings are assigned every Wednesday via SeeSaw. 

Please put the spellings into sentences and post on Seesaw.


Click here to visit Seesaw.



Pupils may take home an 'interest book'  each week.  This will encourage them to read for enjoyment.

Please encourage your child to read a book from 'Oxford Owl' each week at their appropriate level. Please speak to the class teacher if you are unsure of which level your child is on.


Mathematical Development  


Maths challenges are set every Tuesday to be completed at home on Seesaw. 


Click here to visit Seesaw.


Little Explorers  

Carry out your own independent enquiry related to your school topic. There are also independent learning challenges for you to complete on the Topic Overview every term. 


Reading Eggs

Pupils may want to use reading eggs at home. Reading egg logins have been sent home. 
